A Horrible Time
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All dogs deserve a family to love them and care for them. Her is a story taken from my dog Tillie's point of view. She was abused as a puppy but I dont think it was like this. It is mostly true. Here it is.
Run, my mind said over and over again. It annoyed me as I twitched my legs at the feeling to bolt free of the rattling chains and run away from the murderous place I stood before. I’d lift back my head and howl for my family to help me but I’d get beaten with a newspaper every time.
“Shut up, mutt!” The man would yell and hit me with the rolled up newspaper until I did. I’d hide under the shrubs or a bush but the chain and collar stopped me and the strange continuous pattern of him finding me every time.
Neighbors passed every now and then and would gasp at the way he disciplined me. Some would throw me chicken legs at the sight of my skinny body when the man wasn’t looking. It was all going to end the same way: I’d die. It wouldn’t be my favorite ending, nor would it be on the list of endings I’d expect or even want. I hadn’t even lived half of my life on Earth! For the love of bacon, I’m a pup! I’d cry it out in the language dogs speak but it came out as barks, growls and whines that only got me beatings and chicken legs thrown to me.
The street dogs were a problem. Their endless freedom to roam the streets mocked me. Some would even ask questions like, “Why don’t you play with us?” or “Can’t you beg and run free? Are you hungry? We have plenty of food for you to share.” All of the above would be told every day.
For what reason should I give to run free? I’d be thrown in the pound again and set free then the endless cycle would go on until my time is to come. As a dog, I had no voice for me to stand against this human. What cruel nonsense he was throwing against me! Whatever happened to the term, ‘Man’s Best Friend’? I was certainly not his friend nor was this human offering the slightest amount of friendship or love to my plate. He didn’t even feed me! I starved every day and lived on the city rats or half eaten chicken legs the poor threw out.
Every day I began to turn more ghost like and invisible. I was dying and he knew it. I knew it.

That is what Tillie looks like. Of course, it isnt really her because she HATES having pictures taken of her. She is only 8 months old and was used for fighting and was neglected as a puppy. My mimi found her as skinny as a stic. litterally, her bones were clearly visible and she had parvo. She was treated for it and now lives with her step siblings: Gizmo the poolde an Lucy the collie mix.


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